Sunday, February 15, 2015

iQuest #9: Goals For Semester 2

Hello dear people of the world, I would like to inform you all that my goals have not changed! YES, I am still doing what I said I would in my last post: programming requested BrawlBox features for money. Go ahead and take a look at that post to learn more.

As soon as I can get all of my current tasks done, I will go back to developing my game. My (ideal) goal for that is March 1st. Unfortunately programming can be unpredictable, so I can only say I'll do my best to meet it.

Once I meet that goal, the next goal would be to get something visual made for my game. A lot of the beginning design work is programming the game's general backend so that it functions properly and roughing out concept art and beta models as filler for the final game models. Hopefully I can make something in time for finals, but if not I can always present my work with BrawlBox. Unfortunately my game's overall goals are pretty long-term, especially since I'm still learning how to use Unreal Engine 4.

The only actions I need to take are work as much as possible. Just about anything besides work will be an interruption.

The only thing I need to accomplish my goals is time. I NEED MORE TIME